Week 30 - I'm the Smallest Week 30 I Know
Even though I feel huge, and I'm waddling like no one's business, and in my mind I'm so much bigger - when Bryan took a picture the other day, I'm so much smaller than what I had pictured in my head. I posted the picture on facebook and people thought I looked cute. I started looking at other mama's 30-week bump. I look like I'm at 22 weeks. I'm not sure if it means it's time for me to eat more, or this will just turn out to be a tiny baby. Doctor's appointment next week - I'm sure if it's something of concern, they will say something. But as of right now, I'm the smallest week 30 pregnant woman I know. The bump is still barely there! (I realize when I said smallest, I really meant the bump, not the size of my body) I am starting to get tired again. And I'm also starting to get a bit nauseous. Almost like first trimester but not quite as bad. Here's to the third trimester! So I know I said a couple of months ago that I was...