
Showing posts from February, 2011

Week 30 - I'm the Smallest Week 30 I Know

Even though I feel huge, and I'm waddling like no one's business, and in my mind I'm so much bigger - when Bryan took a picture the other day, I'm so much smaller than what I had pictured in my head. I posted the picture on facebook and people thought I looked cute. I started looking at other mama's 30-week bump. I look like I'm at 22 weeks. I'm not sure if it means it's time for me to eat more, or this will just turn out to be a tiny baby. Doctor's appointment next week - I'm sure if it's something of concern, they will say something. But as of right now, I'm the smallest week 30 pregnant woman I know. The bump is still barely there! (I realize when I said smallest, I really meant the bump, not the size of my body) I am starting to get tired again. And I'm also starting to get a bit nauseous. Almost like first trimester but not quite as bad. Here's to the third trimester! So I know I said a couple of months ago that I was...

Week 29 - Working from Home

I'm STILL trying to catch up from falling behind on my first week from working at home. But I have to say, it's been amazing. I LOVE it. And this week, with a semi-normal schedule, I've been able to cook, clean, and catch up on TV! So much has changed on Days of Our Lives since I last watched! (I never thought their storyline would actually change!) Have also been watching A Baby Story - I don't know what prompted me to start. But I can tell you - if our prenatal class was a dose of reality, this was a SPLASH of reality. I am very whiny, and these women are whiny. So knowing me, I'll be extra whiny. Good luck Bryan. I'm feeling pretty huge - even though I'm sure I'm not. I still have 11 more weeks to go, so I know what can happen in the next 11 weeks. I waddled lots today, and walking is becoming a bit of a chore. Should be an interesting week, it's supposed to go down to -25 by tomorrow night! My stepdaughter Kaylynn, who just turned 17 a few ...

I Almost Forgot!

Gung Hey Fat Choy! Today is Chinese New Year. It's the year of the Rabbit! If you are a rabbit, that means you're turning 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, or 72 this year. Apparently it's supposed to be a good year. We shall see! I was doing some work last night and by the time I got frustrated enough with the system (system is slow after a certain time), it was already midnight. And crap, I hadn't taken a shower yet. My mom says NEVER to wash your hair on Chinese New Year. It will wash away all the good luck. Great. I don't only have greasy hair, but I'm also smelly and greasy. I really want to avoid going out today, but already made a committment to do dinner at Padmanadi's. (If you haven't gone, you must! Their buffet is delicious! Not to mention the owner is one of the nicest man you have ever met) So if you see me, can you just pretend not to? Ignore me, I'm going to look like crap. At least I'll have all my luck in tact though. Happy New Yea...

Week 28 - WHAT A WEEK!

This past week was I think one of the busiest week I've had since I've been pregnant. I hope I actually remember it all - seriously, these days, I don't know where my brain is. First off, Friday was my last day at the office! Yay! Having said that, I also walked out of there with a bit of fear of how I was going to manage in the next couple of months. But the feeling of never having to step in an office again (no more job after moving to Vancouver - so this is the last time!) was just as I thought it would be - it was really freeing. I almost wish I had done this sooner, but as Byron Katie says, "Nothing happens ahead of its time. Everything happens on time. Not our time, but on time." So true. Saturday I had my gestational diabetes test in the morning. I had read quite a bit on it and was very very apprehensive about it. I was afraid I might puke. I was scared I might fail, in which case, I would have to go back for ANOTHER test and drink twice as much of thi...