New Blog, New Year, New Routine
As Amanda pointed out, my blog has "grown up", and I'm no longer a "mommy to be". So I had to change my blog link and title. So hopefully you're able to find the blog if you've been following. Now it's just random thoughts from a mom. Nothing special, but it'll do. With the new year, we've decided to move back in with my mom. It's been awesome being on our own for the last 6 months establishing routines, figuring out what we're doing, and building confidence, we're ready to be back with my mom again. Many many reasons - first, we're over at least 5 times a week. We're seeing her almost every day anyway. Second, at this point, we aren't sure what's happening after my maternity leave is over. Whether I'll go back to work part time, full time, or not at all. So until there's more certainty with that, we just need some time to save up for our next place. And third, we'll be doing some much needed renovati...