Another Milestone
Haven't written in awhile. Mostly because I have nothing interesting to write. Aside from Mackenzie being the most active baby on earth getting into EVERYTHING, climbing up the stairs, having a wrestling match on every diaper change, really, nothing is new. Until this past weekend when she decided to take her first 3 steps. Of course, she hasn't walked on demand since. She's taken a step here and there, but not walking full time yet. But I know it's coming, which means our not so peaceful days are about to become even more chaotic! Mackenzie has a new napping schedule, which basically means we're stuck in the house for the mornings. Which means we miss quite a bit of activities. On days when I'm going bonkers, I would push that limit, but I always regret it later. Because it would mean having only one nap instead of two. Seriously, this being a parent thing is never boring. The kid sure knows how to change it up to keep me on my toes. Went to weigh h...