Happy Birthday Mackenzie
Dear Mackenzie, A year has come and gone. How could that be? I could've sworn it was just yesterday I was fussing about what to write for your one year birthday . Here I am again. Some things haven't changed. You still light up when you see Po Po with as much enthusiasm as you did a year ago. You did things earlier than I expected you to, just like when you were a baby. You are still our teacher every day. I read a blog post once that you'll remember the firsts, but most of the time, you won't remember the last. Like I don't remember the last time you signed please, the last time you needed me to spoon feed you because you weren't coordinated enough yet, the last time you ate your crayons, the last time you used a sippy cup...there were so many last times I didn't realize were lasts. Every new word or new thing you did came as a surprise each time. When I started singing "I'm A Child of God", I was so surprised that you remembered the w...