Happy Birthday Bree!

Dear Bryanna, I'm sitting here with another 54 minutes to go until you are no longer a one-year old. Some days you seem so much older than you are, and some days I feel like I treat you younger than you are. And that's the joy of being the youngest (for now) you know? This past year has gone by so much quicker than I anticipated. I'm pretty sure I blinked through most of your milestones. When you turned one, I'm pretty sure you had a total of 4 teeth. I'm not sure when it happened, but somewhere in between you sprouted another 12 without me noticing. (Who am I kidding, you made us notice every one!) I really don't remember when it happened. Not much has changed in your personality. You are very independent. You learned to feed yourself way before I expected you to. You simply will not let us hold anything for you if you can manage on your own. You will however, ask for help when you need it. And that's possibly the most important of all. I thin...