
Showing posts from January, 2016

Two and Three Quarters No More

Dear Bryanna, Another year came and gone. And I never stop asking myself - how? This morning, I came downstairs and wished you a happy birthday. You thanked me. Then I put a dress on you, you thanked me again. You seemed extra polite today. Is this what happens when you're 3? You also said, "my heart is pink". You said it with so much love on your face I had to take a picture. I can barely remember a time before you could speak in full clear sentences. It seemed that you have been talking forever. You always have so much to say and so many stories to tell. Sometimes, your brain works a bit faster than your body and you stutter a bit and it's just the cutest thing to listen to. I know this won't last forever, so for now, I am enjoying those moments when you are super excited about something and can't wait to tell us the entire story. We put off potty training you because your brother was on his way and I simply didn't have the energy while pregna...

A Year in Review - 2015

This holiday season has been extra hectic with us going to Edmonton for New Year's. I haven't had the time to sit down to write down the top 10 for 2015. Better late than never! Here we go! (In no particular order) 10.) My cousin Andrea and I have been preggo together twice. It just happened that way and not on purpose. The first time, it was Mackenzie who came 5 months before Addie. This time around, it was Jackson who came 5 months before Alastair. Jackson was the first boy in the family (Andrea and I both have 2 girls each!) and it was a very big deal! I know Trevor was super excited to have more "men" in the family ;) Although we don't see them often, Jackson has been a joy every time we visit. He brings on tons of smiles to everyone he sees. I love you Jackson! 9.) When one of my best friends moved back to Vancouver from Halifax, it was awesome. Then her husband became an RCMP and got posted to Saskatchewan. Thankfully, distance did not deter us fro...