And Then You're Five

Dear Bryanna, Normally, I would've been writing this the night before or the morning of your birthday. This year, I'm sitting here after your party, hoping I'll finish this post before I fall asleep. You woke up this morning and said, "I can't believe it's finally my birthday!" And honestly, neither can we. I asked you last night if you must turn 5, you told me yes, because being 5 will be so much better than being 4. So much happened at 4. Your stutter suddenly went away not long after turning 4. It went away so quickly that we forgot you used to have one. You also managed to break your arm twice! Once in May when you were on the monkey bars and fell. You were so happy with your purple sparkly cast! Then towards the end of the summer, you were on another monkey bar and fell. Somehow fractured your elbow. Both times you dealt with the break like a trooper and you told me you'd try to "be brave and not cry". Your dad and I ar...