Good heavens! She's seven!

Dear Bryanna, Yesterday, you told me you were really excited to turn 7, but also a little sad, because you wouldn't be 6 anymore, and that means you're getting older. This is bittersweet for us too, we're so excited to watch you grow, but feel a pang of sadness that you're not little anymore. I missed writing on your 6th birthday because of recovery. So there's a lot to catch up on in 2 years! I don't even know where to start. When you turned 5, your tantrums would last anywhere between 30-90 minutes. Your dad and I were so lost and didn't know what to do. We finally sought help from Lois. To say our lives have never been the same would be an understatement. What started out as fixing a problem, turned into a lot of self reflection, gaining new tools, and a complete lens change to see you and your siblings as who you truly are. 5 and 6 were BIG years. You started Kindergarten, showed moderate anxiety through the school year as you naviga...