Birthday Again? Now You're Ten!

Dear Mackenzie, There was a time where I really contemplated whether I wanted to have kids. Your 2 older sisters seemed enough, and so I sat on that decision for a few years. When they say you're never actually going to be ready, they weren't wrong. We think we have all the ducks in a row and life experiences that prepped us into being great parents. But honestly, no books, no workshops, no seasoned moms could prepare new parents on what is to come. And so, whether I was ready or not, I woke up over a decade ago and thought, "I think having a baby might not be a bad idea". Then somehow, we thought it'd be a good idea to move to another province at 38 weeks pregnant. We had a little chat that you wouldn't slip out on our 12-hour drive. Then you had to wait again after Auntie Amanda and Uncle Dan's wedding. Every step of the way, you listened. That's how the last 10 years have been really. You walked within the lines and you always listened. I am grat...