And So It Begins...

It was the worst weekend ever.

Friday night was our anniversary - we've been married 4 years! And of course, of all the weekends, this was the weekend we had to clean our rental property to prepare for new tenants.

It was one of the grossest thing I've EVER done. It was as if the condo hasn't been cleaned since the building was constructed. It was disgusting. Thank God I have amazing friends who came over and helped us with some pretty horrendous stuff. They are amazing, I know. I owe them my life.

I think it was God's way of preparing me to clean and be overwhelmed. Not only that, God is preparing me for sleep deprivation.

Needless to say, with the lack of sleep, lack of eating, oh, and lack of sleep - I swear my symptoms got worse this weekend.

My boobs feel like they're about a thousand pounds and I want to rip them off because they hurt so much. And my morning sickness has begun. I drove to Calgary with my best friend (which by the way, was a very pleasant trip, both of us were in a good mood and we had loads to chat about), and on the way back, I thought I would puke any minute. It was the longest 3 hours of my life.

And this morning?

I am dying of exhaustion mixed with feelings of vomiting any time now. There's nothing worse than starving, but the thought of eating anything wants to make you puke. I want to eat and not all at the same time.

Better yet, I think I'm coming down with a UTI. This is awesome.

And even though I know it's worth it, and it's my body telling me it's working really hard - I can really do without all the crap that comes with it.

This is week 7. If it gets worse from here, brace yourself world. I'm about to become a momzilla.


  1. In the last few months, you completely forgot to mention that you're HILARIOUS. (Love the blog, btw. =)


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