
Showing posts from December, 2010

Week 23 - And It's a...(For Real This Time)

It was a whirlwind trip to Vancouver. It always seems that way, but this time it really was extra short. 4 days just isn't enough to squish in all the family time we need! I didn't think I would start getting baby things so soon, but alas, this Christmas, I got a lot of baby-related presents! I'm pretty surprised, mostly because I try to separate baby presents from the parents. I'm ok with it though, I mean, this is all starting to come together! Had a talk with my sister about what would happen to the baby if something happened to Bryan and I. It's not like us to be this prepared, but when it comes to the worst, you can count on me apparently! It was a sobering conversation (we literally ended in silence), but a much needed one. It was really important to us that the baby goes to a home that has similar values as us. And to put that obligation on someone else can be a burden, so I wanted to make sure that my sister is fully prepared for that. It gave her a lot ...

Week 22 - Merry Christmas!

I feel like I've been stuck at week 22 forever. I don't know why - it's not that I had a bad week or anything, just feels like I've been stuck here for a long long time. Well, Merry Christmas guys! After a flight from Edmonton to Calgary and from Calgary to Vancouver, we finally arrived at 8 pm on Christmas Eve! I don't think we've ever arrived home so late. But the good news is that this is the last Christmas we have to do this! This morning was an awesome morning. It dawned on us that it's the last Christmas we have before the baby comes. Next year this time, our baby will be 8 months old! Pretty crazy! Really great presents this morning from my mom and my sister - lots of maternity clothes! It just made this pregnancy so much more real. My sister got me a gift certificate to a spa. I was uber grateful - my shoulders have been killing me. I've been dying to go for a massage. So during breakfast: Me: I can't wait to get a massage! Mom: Oh,...

Week 21 - Worst Case Scenerios

Last weekend, my friend Candice asked me if my furnace has kicked in yet. With a very confused look on my face, she clarified she meant my internal furnace. The answer is no. In fact, I’m still freezing all the time. Baby has stolen all my warmth. In fact, baby has stolen my sanity as well. The other night, Bryan and I were taking a nap. Bryan went and stretched out his arm. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong with your arm?” “Oh, it just fell asleep. It feels a little numb and tingly, that’s all” “You could be having a heart attack. How are you feeling? How’s your chest? Are you breathing ok?” “This is my right arm, Carly. I’m not having a heart attack. It just fell asleep.” “I think it affects the right arm too. Can you just tell me how you’re feeling? Is there any pain in the chest?” “I don’t feel anything. I’m fine.” “I’m not crazy.” “I know.” I’ve also started reading stories on the grief and loss board with this online forum I joined. I can’t tell you what prompted ...

Week 20 - Half Way Already?!?!?!

Can you believe that just 10 weeks ago I was complaining about how slowly time was going? Umm...I can't. Because suddenly time is FLYING by! Ever since we made this decision to move, I feel like we're running out of time to do everything! How is this possible? At this rate, there's no way we can move pre baby! Feeling baby move lots these days. On Saturday, Bryan even felt the first kick! I must admit, that was pretty cool. No more real kicks since. I suppose that's good. I will be kept up all night with kicks later on anyway. I went from having the laziest baby ever to the most active baby. Go figure. So one thing that has drastically gotten worse over this pregnancy is how emotional I have been. Last night while trying to fall asleep, I started thinking about how much Bryan meant to me. And then I cried, no, I sobbed for 10 minutes straight. I didn't even know what to say, and neither did Bryan. Then this morning, I popped in a movie at work to watch while ...


In my exhausted state, I forgot to mention in my last post... I popped on the weekend! I've been following the What to Expect forum for expectant moms in April 2011. And all of them have mentioned popping lately and I had no idea what they meant. That was, until last weekend! We were going to a costume party and we were supposed to dress up like a celebrity. I asked my friend Anita what I should dress up as. She suggested Juno - it was perfect timing, because I actually had a belly to show for it! :) Value Village has now become one of my favorite places to shop. Did you know their books are only $3.99 at most? I ended up getting the Baby Whisperer for only $3.99! Plus the mom who used to own the book highlighted all of the important parts with little sticky tabs for the information she needed often. It was perfect :) If you're looking for books for your kids, they're only 99 cents! I mean, can you go wrong? Had crab for dinner last night. NOT.A.GOOD.IDEA. That'...

Week 19 - And It's a...

They say that your first trimester symptoms ease quite a bit when second trimester hits. It's been 7 weeks since the first trimester, and although I'm not throwing up anymore, I am still as tired (if not more tired) than I was before. There are days I'm in bed by 9 pm and wake up at 7:30 and still, I can barely focus at work and barely manage to last through the day without dreaming about my bed half way through. This is probably because I'm not eating enough. So for awhile there, I was pretty worried that I was hindering the growth of our baby. In fact, I think last week I was down one more pound. Which made my total loss so far 6 lbs since pregnancy. When it came to the ultrasound yesterday, I was both excited and nervous. More excited than anything else. I couldn't stop smiling on the way to the appointment. Even with a semi-full bladder, I didn't care. I really just wanted to see the baby! The office was running about a half-hour behind schedule. The t...