Week 20 - Half Way Already?!?!?!

Can you believe that just 10 weeks ago I was complaining about how slowly time was going? Umm...I can't. Because suddenly time is FLYING by!

Ever since we made this decision to move, I feel like we're running out of time to do everything! How is this possible? At this rate, there's no way we can move pre baby!

Feeling baby move lots these days. On Saturday, Bryan even felt the first kick! I must admit, that was pretty cool. No more real kicks since. I suppose that's good. I will be kept up all night with kicks later on anyway. I went from having the laziest baby ever to the most active baby. Go figure.

So one thing that has drastically gotten worse over this pregnancy is how emotional I have been. Last night while trying to fall asleep, I started thinking about how much Bryan meant to me. And then I cried, no, I sobbed for 10 minutes straight. I didn't even know what to say, and neither did Bryan. Then this morning, I popped in a movie at work to watch while I'm doing my stuff. I was watching a preview of Shall We Dance and a stream of tears came out of no where. Like who the heck cries at the preview of Shall We Dance? That is RIDICULOUS!

I am a walking ball of hormones.

I am also dying for this nesting thing to kick in. Our house is a gigantic disaster again (that big clean 3 months ago? Yeah, I don't even know why we bothered!). I am not exactly sure how we will have everything packed pre-baby if we move in the next 3 months. I am hoping, praying, and crossing all my fingers that I will be a little more organized in the weeks to come. I will right? I will be organized right? God help us.

So, 20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go!


  1. Well, Shall We Dance IS a pretty awful movie - a preview for it might make me cry, too... ;>)

    (And you'll be fine. =)


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