
Showing posts from January, 2011

Plan B Set/First Prenatal Class

So I thought I had nothing to say in week 27 - but then I suddenly remembered... Awhile back we had a talk with my sister about what happens to the baby if something happened to me and Bryan. We told her that she didn't have to decide right then but if the time comes and she isn't able to meet what we asked (there were quite a few things...), we would have to go with plan B. We asked plan B this weekend if they were willing to be plan B - thank God they accepted! Bryan and I went through our list of people and there was no question, this couple was on top of our list! They have a little girl now and having watched them grown both as a couple and as parents, I'm really relieved to know that should something morbid happen to me and Bryan, and should my sister decide she couldn't meet the "requirements", that our baby will be well taken care of. I don't think I've ever been so responsible in my life. Is this what happens when you become a mom? You a...

Week 27 - So yeah, I'm pregnant

There are days I'm walking down the street, or laying in bed, or just randomly doing my thing - and then I think - crap, I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a freakin' baby here in just over 10 weeks. How the heck did that happen?!?! (Yes, I know how it happened, thank you!) I don't know if it'll ever become real. I wonder if moms ever look at their kids and go, "I made that?!?!" Maybe it's just me. It's been an interesting week. My appetite has gone up DRAMATICALLY. I gained 9 lbs in a month. So much for slow and steady. It's probably the first time during this pregnancy that I'm actually worried about gaining weight. Oh well, that's what happens when you're pregnant right? I'm going to be working from home next week! I was really anxious about it a month ago, but now I'm really excited. I think this will be a really good opportunity for me to settle into a routine of cooking dinner and stuff. I know it's not muc...

Week 25/26 - Got Lazy (Or is it busy?)

As I'm sure you've noticed - I didn't write anything for week 25. I don't know what happened - might've gotten lazy. I could've been busy. In all honesty, I don't remember. Weeks are flying past these days so it's hard to keep track what I even did yesterday! I've now surpassed my pre-pregnancy weight. Although my clothes still fit - so I'm hoping this is all baby! Realistically though, I haven't been eating the greatest in between meals, so we will see! This week's post is brought to you again by my mom. As Asians, my mom has always believed that it's my responsibility to call her. When I get a little too busy and I don't call in 2 weeks (that's a long time, I know), she never thinks about picking up the phone. In fact, every year on my birthday, she always asks me why she would have to call me. Imagine my surprise and worry when she called me a few days ago. Me: Hi Mom: Hi! Me: everything ok? Mom: Yeah. (...

Week 24 - Or Rather Still Week 23

Went to my usual doctor's appointment earlier this week. They're sending me for the gestational diabetes test in 3 weeks. On the requisition, it looked like my due date has now been pushed back to May.1 (5 days later than my original due date). Turned out, the doctor didn't think this was an important detail to tell me. I'm going with my original due date though. I know for a fact that I didn't conceive that late. So while I'm technically still in week 23 according to my new due date, I'm going with week 24. Just go with me, ok? My appetite is definitely back. I'm eating like a horse (or so it seems). I just finished half a bag of Doritos. I'm hungry every 2-3 hours (hey, just like a baby!). So if I was worried about not gaining any weight before, I highly doubt I will have to worry about that from this point forward. The key I suppose, is not eating a whole bag of chips in 2 days. I finally look like I'm pregnant. I don't know what m...

2010 Reflection

This holiday was a huge one for us - last Christmas before baby comes, I turned 30 3 days ago, and we just entered a whole new decade. So it's only appropriate that I do a quick reflection on this past year. Feel free to skip since this isn't really baby related. When I think back to this time last year, it's hard to believe it's only been a year. We've done, grown, and learned so much. To say we're different people than a year ago would almost be an understatement! To that end, this year would not have happened without some key people. I want to take this opportunity to thank them here. Bryan - well, it goes without saying, Bryan, you are amazing. I knew you were a catch when I married you, but I didn't anticipate things would be this awesome in the span of a few months. Thank you for your never-ending patience, perseverance, and dedication to our family. I am so looking forward to our baby girl next year and putting our influence skills to the test! ...