Week 24 - Or Rather Still Week 23

Went to my usual doctor's appointment earlier this week. They're sending me for the gestational diabetes test in 3 weeks. On the requisition, it looked like my due date has now been pushed back to May.1 (5 days later than my original due date).

Turned out, the doctor didn't think this was an important detail to tell me.

I'm going with my original due date though. I know for a fact that I didn't conceive that late. So while I'm technically still in week 23 according to my new due date, I'm going with week 24. Just go with me, ok?

My appetite is definitely back. I'm eating like a horse (or so it seems). I just finished half a bag of Doritos. I'm hungry every 2-3 hours (hey, just like a baby!). So if I was worried about not gaining any weight before, I highly doubt I will have to worry about that from this point forward. The key I suppose, is not eating a whole bag of chips in 2 days.

I finally look like I'm pregnant. I don't know what made me think I looked pregnant before (wishful thinking I guess) - but now there's no doubt about it. I'm sure most of that belly is the chips I've been chowing down.

I also finally got myself a proper bra that actually fits me! OH.MY.GOSH - why did I wait so long? It's a thousand times more comfortable than what I was wearing before and I think my boobs are actually above my elbows. They say my boobs are going to get bigger after the baby is born. Help me God - I will need to go to a specialty store then.

I also had the pleasure of having another UTI this week. It is lovely. I'm downing antibiotics, cranberry pills, and water. UTI sucks.

16 more weeks to go (or 17 with the new due date). Pregnant brain is only getting worse from here.


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