Week 40 - Return of an Old Friend
I can't believe we made it to week 40. Like today is my due date. My doctor said that only 4% of women actually give birth on their actual due date. Most first time moms are late. In this case, that would be me. I'm making history in my family - I was 2 weeks early, my sister was 4 weeks early, and my cousin's daughter was 2 weeks early. I am not sure if we've ever had a late comer before - but here we are! This week, I got a revisit from an old friend - one I haven't seen since the first trimester. The reason why I stopped taking pre-natal vitamins. That's right. Hemmorroids. They have returned. With no apparently reason really. I'm not even sure why they're appearing. I assume it's because the baby is getting close, so things are popping out everywhere. Well, we made it to the wedding without baby coming! I was holding my breath and everything else for awhile there. I really wasn't sure if this baby was going to hold out. But she did! The w...