Week 38 - Umm....What Were We Thinking?

We weren't.

First of all, Bryan left for LA on Thursday night on the weekend before our move. Who does that? Oh that's right, us! People thought we were crazy, and we kinda were. What can I say? We just trusted that the baby would stay in this weekend. Thankfully, she did.

On Friday, the morning started off well. My friend Tara was on Breakfast Television promoting her business and I got to see behind the scenes of what they do. Nothing as fancy as I imagined, but I documented everything anyway. Hopefully one day it'll go on youtube and I'll share it!

Then I got one phone call and I probably panicked for the first time ever about this move. The movers called and told me they were coming one day early. And not just one day, they were coming first thing in the morning. Which meant I had one weekend plus 2 nights to finish packing.

Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem. But umm...we aren't thinkers. I had to finish work on the weekend (Friday was a write-off with my friend being on TV and stuff), I made plans for lunch on Saturday, we had a free garage sale all weekend, and I made dinner and lunch plans yesterday and today. So needless to say - yeah, I panicked.

So Saturday came with our free garage sale. I can tell you, I've never seen anything like it.

Maybe it's because Bryan and I aren't really pack rats. We accumulated because of time, and kept stuff because we didn't have time to purge until now. So it amuses me when people actually take up 6 boxes of JUNK, make 3 trips to the car, and come back for more. Not to mention most of these people didn't even donate to charity (everything was free - and people had the choice to donate to YESS if they wanted.) Some people took big items too - like a guitar, tent, shelves, tables, etc. I'm just amazed at how when things are "free", most people don't perceive any value to things.

In any case - I went into the house for a few minutes. And when I came out, someone took Bryan's tool box by mistake. Bryan's tool box that had 20 plus years worth of tools in it. Completely vanished.

I don't think I've panicked so much in my life.

I called Bryan like 5 times, texted him, and waited. I was imagining just how horrible he would feel once he found out that his tools were gone. (And I had no idea who took them)

When I finally did get a hold of him. I BALLED. I couldn't even speak. And when he read the text, this was what he said,

"it's ok - they're just tools. They're totally replacable. Some of them are really old. It's not a big deal."

That made me cry even MORE.

Of course I knew Bryan would react that way. In fact, Bryan rarely gets upset about anything. I had played this whole thing up in my head. And I sobbed for 30 minutes.

And just like that - 20 plus years worth of tools are gone. It happened, it's over, and thanks to a wonderful husband, I'm totally over it. Maybe it's because we have bigger things to worry about - like how we're going to have everything packed by TONIGHT.

On another note, I had my last doctor's appointment yesterday. I didn't anticipate to be so sad about it, but I was! Both my doctor and my nurse gave me big hugs and wished me luck. I semi-wish we were having the baby this week because they're just so lovely! I didn't gain any weight within the past week, my blood pressure is still normal, and still no sugar or protein in my urine. I'm measuring EXACTLY the way I should. And my cervix is still closed (yay!) but soft (hmm....?). I am a textbook pregnant woman. So I'm assuming this will be a textbook baby? (fingers crossed)

Ok guys - 2 more weeks to go. 3 more days til we're on the road, 1 more day until the movers come. This time next week, I will be in Vancouver at my dress fitting for the wedding and my first doctor's appointment with the new doctor. Wish us luck? Wish us lots and lots of luck.

Til then!


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