Week 8 - A Few Things
So a few things I forgot to mention about Bree - probably because we have 2 kids now and I'm so focused on all the new things Mack is going through that it's easy to breeze through Bree's development. I'm re-reading some of the blog posts about Mack and it's hard not to compare Bree to her. So here are few things I've missed: 1.) Breastfeeding still hurt the second time. You'd think that your nipples would toughen up after breastfeeding for a whole year, but no. They revert back after 7 months. The only thing is that I knew it'd end. I went through half a tube of lanolin and then I was good. 2.) Bree's PKU also came back with abnormalities for her cystic fibrosis gene. We went back for the PKU the second time and the lab tech said she's never drawn blood (from her foot) so fast from a baby ever. It literally took like a minute. And of course, it came back the same as Mack's - she's a carrier, but she doesn't have it. Phew! 3.)...