Week 8 - A Few Things

So a few things I forgot to mention about Bree - probably because we have 2 kids now and I'm so focused on all the new things Mack is going through that it's easy to breeze through Bree's development.

I'm re-reading some of the blog posts about Mack and it's hard not to compare Bree to her. So here are few things I've missed:

1.) Breastfeeding still hurt the second time. You'd think that your nipples would toughen up after breastfeeding for a whole year, but no. They revert back after 7 months. The only thing is that I knew it'd end. I went through half a tube of lanolin and then I was good.

2.) Bree's PKU also came back with abnormalities for her cystic fibrosis gene. We went back for the PKU the second time and the lab tech said she's never drawn blood (from her foot) so fast from a baby ever. It literally took like a minute. And of course, it came back the same as Mack's - she's a carrier, but she doesn't have it. Phew!

3.) Bree also failed her hearing test at the hospital. They said it was because she came so fast she didn't have time to squeeze out all the fluids from their body. We didn't have to wait 6 weeks to get it redone though, we went back after 2 weeks and she passed with flying colors.

4.) Bree is like a clock - she feeds every 3 hours (almost to the dot) from the time she was born. She'd eat for anywhere between 6-10 minutes at a time (that's unheard of! Mack fed for 45 minutes at a time in the beginning!) and would be awake for about an hour at a time (again, since birth, because this little lady is just so darn alert!). Now at 8 weeks, she will stretch her nights to about 4-4.5 hours, but no more than that. I'm hoping for a longer stretch soon...I think that'll happen when she hits 10 lbs.

5.) Bree hardly cries. She is completely different than Mack was in that way. When she does cry, it's super easy to figure out what's wrong. She whines a bit for food but wails for gas. That's about it. We started giving her Biogia, hoping that'll soothe the gas a bit. But even that, I think the most Bree has ever cried was on and off for 2 hours when we were out. And that was just one time. Most days she cries for maybe 5 minutes. It's kinda crazy.

6.) She's smiling! She started smiling about a week ago, and now full on smiles every morning. Sooooo cute!

I think that's all I missed. I think we'll move Bree to her own room sooner than we did with Mack. If we manage to move stuff out of that room, we might move Bree in there at 3 months. We'll see!

So we've been delaying potty training with Mack because first we put her in a big girl's bed, and then Bree came. We just never found the right time plus it was hard for us to put aside 3 days to do it. So this past weekend, Bryan and I sucked it up and started potty training.

I remember sleep training Mack and thought we'd give up after the first day. That was exactly how we felt about potty training. I was ready to throw my hands up and say she wasn't ready. If we didn't say we'd commit to 3 days, we just might have. In fact, on the second day, we cheated and slapped a diaper on Mack and took her to the park in the morning for 2 hours. Then after her nap (which she didn't take), she miraculously started letting us know when she needed to potty. We made it a huge game and today (day 3), we peed 20 times (I swear it was that many at least), pooped once, and had one poopy accident. I'm hoping tomorrow we'll be able to put underwear on and see if she'll pee a bit less (I know she's only doing it so many times for the treats we give her!). Hopefully by the time she goes to daycare (in 2 days), she'll be fully trained! (Fingers crossed)

Mack is still tantruming a lot. Seems like all the other mommies are going through the exact same thing with their kidlets, so I can't complain. When do the terrible twos end?!?!?!?!

Anyhooo, it's getting late and I need to feed Bree right away here. Til next time - hoping I'll get to update more often this time :)


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