
Showing posts from 2014

And Then You Turned 3

Dear Mackenzie,   I'm sitting here, clinging to the last few hours of you being 2. Has it really been 3 years? I feel like I just wrote this post yesterday. I wonder if we, as parents, will ever cease to be surprised at our kids' birthdays? Will that amazement of how fast time goes ever dwindle?   As a musical family, we sing...a lot. And you seem to pick up words really quickly. We graduated from nursery rhymes and children's songs to Roar (thank you Auntie Crystal!) to all your favorite Disney songs (I am still in awe that you know every.single.word to Let It Go and A Whole New World). And if I thought you talked a lot when you turned 2, it was nothing compared to how much you've grown in the past 2 months. This is the age they "warned" me about - they told me this is the age where kids "don't shut up".   And you know what? Your dad and I were just chatting the other day how much we actually love you talking so much. Maybe dow...

Dear Bryanna

Dear Bryanna, Before you sister was born, I was worried I wouldn't love her as much as I loved your dad. Your sister taught me that God doesn't require us to love one more than the other, he just grows our heart bigger to make more room for more love. Yet, before you were born, I had the same fears. What if I didn't love you as much as I loved Mackenzie? What if there was just no more room? Of course, our hearts don't work that way. When I was pregnant with you, I desperately wanted you to come before Christmas. And if you couldn't make it before then, I wanted you to come after New Year's. Because there is nothing worse than having a birthday between Christmas and New Year's (yes, I am speaking from experience). You get a bit cheated on presents, and there is never a good time for a party. I prayed on New Year's Eve that you would not show up that night. You didn't. You showed up 6 days later. And not without some drama. Please, ...

Postpartum Depression - It's Real

Did you know January is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month? No? Me neither! This came as a good time as I've been thinking about writing this post for a couple of months. Coming from the personal development industry, it is really easy to write off depression. Feeling sad? Then change your state! How do you do that? Get physical - go exercise, do your move, or have a quick dance party. Didn't work? Then ask the right questions - what are you grateful for? What are the lessons here? What is God trying to show me? Still didn't work? Surround yourself with the right people who can help you ask the right questions. Read a good book. Change your thoughts. You know what I'm talking about. I was one of those people who preached this. Having been through a period of depression in college, I literally woke up one day and decided that I had enough. I was not going to let my past rule my present. I took a good hard look at my circumstances and came up with all the l...