And Then You Turned 3

Dear Mackenzie,
I'm sitting here, clinging to the last few hours of you being 2. Has it really been 3 years? I feel like I just wrote this post yesterday. I wonder if we, as parents, will ever cease to be surprised at our kids' birthdays? Will that amazement of how fast time goes ever dwindle?
As a musical family, we sing...a lot. And you seem to pick up words really quickly. We graduated from nursery rhymes and children's songs to Roar (thank you Auntie Crystal!) to all your favorite Disney songs (I am still in awe that you know every.single.word to Let It Go and A Whole New World). And if I thought you talked a lot when you turned 2, it was nothing compared to how much you've grown in the past 2 months. This is the age they "warned" me about - they told me this is the age where kids "don't shut up".
And you know what? Your dad and I were just chatting the other day how much we actually love you talking so much. Maybe down the road we will get tired of it. Right now, I know we love every story that you tell.
Everything I've loved about you from the beginning have only grown a thousand times in the past year. Your big heart? I thought it couldn't get any bigger, but then it did! Your love for Bree has taught me so much about unconditional love. A couple of months ago, your grandma (Po Po) raised her voice at Bree during dinner:
You: Po Po! Pleeeeeeeeease stop yelling at Bryanna. She is JUST a baby! She can't talk yet!
After laughing silently at just how right you were, I turned to you and explained to you that it's ok to feel this way, but we gotta approach it more politely. So every day, you say, "Po Po, could you please stop yelling at Bryanna?" in the softest tone ever. It's cute, and loving, and I love you for it.
Even when you fight with your sister (there are fair share of pushing involved), you are quick to apologize with hugs (although not always welcomed) and kisses.
Even now, 16 months later, you still ask for Bree every single morning when you wake up. When she cries, you go over and you tell her "it's ok honey, everything is going to be aaaalllll right!"
You have grown to be A LOT more active the past year. Our half hour peaceful bed time routine has now grown to a 45-minute full on running around and a bit of screaming action packed routine. I think it's your way of teaching us to enjoy the moment. To not get too caught up being "grown up". And I have. I've gone along with your hide and seeks, I've watched you cared for your dolly and teddy, and I too, have enjoyed all the water splashed all over the bathroom. Because you know what? You only get to be 2 once.
You are not much of an eater, in fact, you have stayed about 25 lbs for the past year.Do you think you could tell me the secret to this amazing metabolism?
You best friend changes daily - they range from Tristan to Caiden to Keagan to Henry, and even to Geoff - you swimming teacher. I have noticed they are always boys. God help your dad.
You are registered for preschool and I wish I could bottle this excitement up so I can bring it out one day when you fake being sick so you don't have to go to school. You are over the moon about school and can't wait to start. Imagine more new friends! More parties! Yes, I would say you'll be right in your element!
When your dad and I went through that rough patch for a few months, you patiently rode along with us. When our schedules changed and you and your sister had to go into daycare full time, you hated the change, but eventually adjusted. When we made mistakes (which was often), you quickly forgave us. You are always telling us "not to worry". When we taught you to slow down 2 years ago, it paid off, as you totally taught Bree how to do it as well. It comes in handy 50% of the time when you are tantruming. Thank you. Thank you for making us feel like we're ok parents!
Well baby girl. Today, you graduated from 2 and three quarters to 3. I apologize in advance for the many more mistakes we will make with you and your sister in the years to come. And I thank you. Thank you for reminding me to take deep breaths when I get caught up in the moment, thank you for whispering in my ear about how beautiful you think I am, and most of all, thank you for teaching me that it's ok to lay down with you before bed. That it won't ruin your sleep like I thought it would. That sometimes, a nice cuddle, back rub, hug, and a goodnight kiss is all we need to make our world all better.
I love you Mackenzie. Happy Birthday.
Love, Mom

PS - for the past few months, you've been telling us that you will be a doctor when you get older. It bounces between people doctor and animal doctor. I think you will make one amazing doctor!


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