And Then You Turned 3

Dear Mackenzie, I'm sitting here, clinging to the last few hours of you being 2. Has it really been 3 years? I feel like I just wrote this post yesterday. I wonder if we, as parents, will ever cease to be surprised at our kids' birthdays? Will that amazement of how fast time goes ever dwindle? As a musical family, we sing...a lot. And you seem to pick up words really quickly. We graduated from nursery rhymes and children's songs to Roar (thank you Auntie Crystal!) to all your favorite Disney songs (I am still in awe that you know every.single.word to Let It Go and A Whole New World). And if I thought you talked a lot when you turned 2, it was nothing compared to how much you've grown in the past 2 months. This is the age they "warned" me about - they told me this is the age where kids "don't shut up". And you know what? Your dad and I were just chatting the other day how much we actually love you talking so much. Maybe dow...