Do I Stay or Do I Go?
Have you ever had that moment? The moment you notice something unusual about your kid. Your mind starts to race. You’re searching for possible explanations and don’t want to panic. Except it’s too late. You go from 0 to 100. You’re thinking the worst, and you scoop up your kid and head to the hospital. On the drive there, you’re wondering what life could look like if you receive the worst news. You go through a run down of your day, of your week. What did you miss? Was anything out of the ordinary? You recall details, details you feel will be important once you get to the hospital so they will take you seriously. Then you try to talk yourself down. You go to the opposite extreme. What if it’s nothing? What if they look at me like an idiot and write me off? Should I even go in? I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. You go to triage, you tell them what’s wrong. You justify why you’re there, that you’re not normally crazy and panic out of the blue. You have every reason to belie...