
Showing posts from October, 2010

Dear Doctor's Receptionist

So, yesterday I came home and there was a message from the doctor’s office. And it said, “Hi Carly, this is Cathy calling from Dr. Hoskin’s office. If you can give us a call after 9 am tomorrow and ask to speak to Jen, she will explain this message to you.” Umm…I FREAKED. I had a blood/urine test on the weekend. I think one is to test chlamydia and one is to test sugar levels or something. I was convinced I had chlamydia. I was convinced I’ve had it for the last 8 years and didn’t even know it. Bryan said I was overreacting (I didn’t even scream or yell. I just looked perplexed. How is that overreacting?!?!). I gave him the death look and proceeded to text my friend Anita who used to work at a medical clinic. A few texts for your entertaining pleasure: “They wouldn’t leave me a message unless something was wrong, right?!?!?!” “You can tell me the truth – something is wrong. I may as well prepare me for it!” I mean, what is she going to say? Of course they wouldn’t call unless so...

Week 14 - Crossing My Fingers

I think I'm beginning to feel better. It's been 2 days since I've been sick. Sure, I still feel a little nauseous throughout the day. Mostly though, I'm keeping my food down. That's a good sign right? Week 14! Ever since Thanksgiving, time has gone by A LOT quicker. Even the ultrasound doesn't seem all that far away now (only one more month!). One of my friends gave me some maternity clothes - thank God! My pants were beginning to kill me. I'm starting to look like a bloated blimp. The in between stage of "is she just getting fat?" and "huh, I think she might be pregnant, but I'm too afraid to ask just incase." There was this once, 2 years ago, one of my co-workers came up to me on the street and excitedly hugged me and asked, "oh my gosh Carly! Are you pregnant?" You should've seen my face. I was in my fat phase (I think I must've gained 20 lbs in a year around that time) and already felt terrible about myself....

Week 13 - How Well Do you Know Your Spouse?

First, I just want to touch on how this is week 13. Some days are bad, but some days are not too bad. So I think that’s an improvement. I have also been going on baby forums conversing with other expectant moms. And I can assure you that I am not as neurotic as some other women out there. I was telling Amanda the other day – at least I’ve never googled “can you pee out your baby?” But if you google that – people have actually asked that question out loud on the internet before. Puh-leeze, I’m tame compared to what’s out there. Ok, next – on why I’m really writing this post. I am not normally a news follower. In fact, I didn’t even know about those Chilean miners were stuck there until maybe the day before they were freed. In the personal development/business world, I almost can’t afford to read them because it jades me about the world every single time. (I am perfectly happy in my little bubble, thank you) So I don’t know what prompted me today to read about the case on Russell Willi...

A Blog Dedicated To Bryan

This one is going to be cheese. So if you don't like cheese - SKIP IT. Bryan and I had a small fight this morning (it lasted maybe 10 minutes). I realized it was our first fight in months. You really don't realize how awesome your relationship has become until you look back and remember how the days of fighting/bickering far outweighed the days of not. I realize now that this baby could not have come a day earlier, we needed to build this foundation on us first before bringing in a new life. Did you know that someone did a survey once to children and when asked the question if they would like their parents to love them more, or love each other more, most kids said they preferred that their parents love each other more? This is why I am so grateful. Because Bryan and I are now equipped with tools to put each other first - which really is the foundation of a family, don't you think? Because long after our children leave the house, you know who ultimately are left? Husband...

It's a REAL baby

Ever watched Glee? Remember when Mr. Schuster's wife had a phantom baby? So a few weeks ago, a thought dawned on me that this could be a phantom baby. Afterall, you get all the symptoms of pregnancy when you have phantom baby. (It was also on an episode of CSI once) Maybe I've wanted this so much I conjured this whole thing up. Imagine how much that would suck to know that I've been so sick all for a baby that doesn't even exist?! So on Saturday I broke down and rented a baby doppler (this handheld device to monitor your baby's heartbeat). There's this lady in town who rents them out and I just happened to grab the last one she has right now. (Or she could just be saying that - I know how to market too, lady) It was nothing fancy, she said I should have a full bladder because it lifts up my uterus. So I went home, told Bryan all about it, and we decided to try it out. Of course, I can't read instructions to save my life. Bryan read the whole thing an...

Bryan Tried to Kill Me

I'm now averaging getting sick between 3-7 times a day. I've decided that getting sick is worse. I've now anchored the bathroom to getting sick - so whether I'm just going pee or whatever, I'm hurling first. (sigh) So Wednesday was a particularly bad day. I got home from work (a very unproductive day at work) and curled up under the covers and laid in bed. Bryan asked me if I wanted some soup. I managed to groan out a "hmm" (as in yes). We had some left overs from last week in the fridge. He reheated it in the microwave. Put it in a bowl for me. I asked him if it was still good. He said he tasted it, and it was still good. He was wrong. It was going bad, it smelled funny, and a definite taste of sourness in there. So yeah, Bryan tried to kill me. Or maybe he has a really bad nose. He did make me a fresh batch of soup afterwards for me. So maybe it's just a bad nose. What if I wasn't there? Bryan would've had rotten soup! OMG! He...

Week 12 - Blissful Weekend!

We're finally in week 12 - it's probably the first time ever in this pregnancy that I'm really happy about the number. Sure, it's still going super slow, but we're in week 12! So after we told our family, this was my sister: "Are you going to tell Allison and Andrea?" (our cousins in Vancouver) "Yes, I will. I was thinking tomorrow." "Can you do it right now? I want to update my facebook." "Ok, I"ll do it in a bit." (5 minutes later) "So, when do you think you'll do it?" "Soon!" (10 minutes) "How about right now?" I had this whole thing planned out that I would tell our close family and friends the day after our Thanksgiving dinner. And then wait one more day to announce it on facebook. But since my sister was even more patient that I have been in the last 2 months, we ended up announcing to the entire world within an hour. I think everyone else is more excited tha...

What a Relief!

We picked mom and Kelly up on Saturday morning. You have no idea just how hard it is to keep a secret for one more day. To know that I have to spend 2 whole days with them before 7:30 pm rolls around Sunday seemed like such torture to me. So Sunday, I was REALLY sick. I ran to the washroom at least 10 times. No one noticed. (My family is clueless that way) 7:15 rolled around - Dan and Spencer came. 7:30 came - Amanda is still 20 minutes away. I was dying. FINALLY! 8 pm! Dinner is ready! We're sitting at the table. Bryan wanted to say Grace. My mom was like, "What? Grace? Grace! Now eat!". Yeah, that's my mom. Below is a clip of what happened. Let me tell you - the wait? It was SO WORTH IT. PS - the piercing scream right after Bryan announced it? My best friend Amanda wants you to know that it was umm...not her...yeah.

I'm getting fat

I'm not really. Well, kinda. This morning, I told Bryan that I think I'm getting a small belly. He looked at me. Silence. Then I said, "well, unless that little belly was always there before, unless I've always been this fat!" Silence. "You mean I've always been this fat?!?!?!" "I didn't say that." "That's right, you didn't say anything." "There is a small belly there." "It's too late now! Don't touch me!" Bryan went off huffing and puffing. THIS IS HOW PREGNANT WOMEN REACT! Someone get him a handbook on how to deal with an emotional wife. So yeah, I'm getting fat. Great. On another note - one more day til my family is here and 2 more days til we get to tell the world.

Week 11 - Better or Worse? I Can't Tell!

Week 11. Bryan told me the other day that time has flown by. Beep you Bryan. Beep you. Week 11?!?!?!?! REALLY?! It's only been 7 weeks since we've found out? On the other hand, I almost forgot to celebrate double digits last week. We're in the double digits! (Even though it's the very beginning of double digits) I feel somewhat better this week. Still have a bit of all day sickness, but I'm eating, so that's a good sign. I've consumed more sugar in the last 2 weeks than I have in a life time. I don't even like sugar. I'm on a hard candy kick right now. I hope I get lots of hard candies for Christmas. My pants no longer fit. How can I possibly lose 5 lbs and my pants don't fit? Oh, that's right, I've lost weight in the most invisible places, but gained it in my ass! Great week this week though. Got back in touch with one of my friends. I actually told her about the pregnancy. I feel semi-guilty that my family isn't the fir...

Week 10

By Monday, the baby will be the size of a really big coat button. It's hard to believe it went from 1 mm to THAT. It's not surprising then I suppose that I've been extremely tired. I asked God the other day if I could have a break. He gave it to me on Wednesday. I woke up refreshed, wasn't tired, wasn't feeling sick. It was glorious, and terrifying at the same time. I kept punching my boobs just to make sure they still hurt. Just to make sure that...umm..I was still pregnant. I can tell you that the next day, I didn't have to punch my boobs anymore. God gave me a one day break only. Such a great sense of humor. They say morning all day sickness heightens around week 9. I figured it can only go uphill from here right? I also have been panicking a bit. My job right now is at an office, and it's training me to work from home. Which really is a dream come true for me. On another note, how will I manage when the baby comes? I only get a 5-week break. H...