A Blog Dedicated To Bryan

This one is going to be cheese. So if you don't like cheese - SKIP IT.

Bryan and I had a small fight this morning (it lasted maybe 10 minutes). I realized it was our first fight in months. You really don't realize how awesome your relationship has become until you look back and remember how the days of fighting/bickering far outweighed the days of not. I realize now that this baby could not have come a day earlier, we needed to build this foundation on us first before bringing in a new life.

Did you know that someone did a survey once to children and when asked the question if they would like their parents to love them more, or love each other more, most kids said they preferred that their parents love each other more? This is why I am so grateful. Because Bryan and I are now equipped with tools to put each other first - which really is the foundation of a family, don't you think? Because long after our children leave the house, you know who ultimately are left? Husband and wife!

I've blogged about this before (I am a woman of MANY blogs) - in the book Go Giver by Bob Burg & John David Mann, he wrote about a character Pindar telling Joe about his 50-year marriage to his wife:

"I believe there is one reason, and only one reason, that we have stayed together so long and as happy together today as we were forty-eight years ago – more so, in fact. That reason is this: I care more about my wife’s happiness than I do about my own. All I’ve ever wanted to do since the day I met her is make her happy. And here’s the truly remarkable thing – she seems to want the same thing for me.”

“Wouldn’t some people call that codependent?” ventured Joe.

“Yes, some probably would. Know what I call it?”


Pindar laughed. “Yes, certainly that. I was going to say, I’d call that success.”*

I bring this up because I am truly blessed to have a man who cares more about my happiness than he does his own. This past couple of months have given plenty evidence of that. Like last night, I was laying in bed. Bryan had already had dinner. I suddenly got hungry and wanted macaroni and chicken broth. Without any hesitation, Bryan said, "done, I'm on it." Sure, as a pregnant woman, maybe it's the husband's duties to do whatever he's told. But I've never known Bryan to do anything out of obligation. In the past 8 years of our relationship, he's always done everything for me out of love and his serving heart.

Are there days I make fun of him?  Sure. (Read: Bryan tried to kill me and I'm Getting Fat) But not a moment goes by that I don't remember just how much this man has done for me. And that's how I know this family is going to be great. Not because of our jobs, our business, our house, or even me. But because he/she will have a dad who isn't afraid to make mistakes and learn from them, a dad whose heart is so big that you never have to wonder if there's room in there for you, and a dad who has made such a difference in so many lives already that his legacy will live on for a long time.

This is one lucky kid.

I make fun of my husband sometimes. That's why I wanted to dedicate this post to Bryan because I don't want it getting lost in my sea of sarcasm just how amazing my husband is. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way - Bryan has truly been an inspiration in my life. As cheese as this is, I am grateful to have a husband who never cease to grow and learn with me, a husband who gives because that's who he is (even though the other day, Bryan gave this homeless man a bun, and afterwards, Bryan said to me, "but I was really looking forward to eating that bun."), and most of all a husband who has enough faith for both of us about our future. My best friend's fiance said to her when they first met, "Why are Bryan and Carly so nice?" I think what he really meant was, "Why is Bryan so nice?" Bryan's niceness far surpasses mine. What can I say? I really lucked out.

On stage, Bryan has edified me MANY times. And although I am only writing this to my 3 followers (really? you guys really follow me?), I am edifying Bryan to far less of an audience than he had in the past. Doesn't matter though, in the end, it's all the same. Because when words are spoken, it doesn't matter how many people hear them, it only matters that they truly come from the heart.


I hope our child will be like Bryan. Most likely he/she will be like me, in which case, God help us.

*From The Go-Giver by Bob Burg & John David Mann – page 82-83

PS - cheese done - my usual self resumes next post.


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