Week 13 - How Well Do you Know Your Spouse?

First, I just want to touch on how this is week 13. Some days are bad, but some days are not too bad. So I think that’s an improvement. I have also been going on baby forums conversing with other expectant moms. And I can assure you that I am not as neurotic as some other women out there. I was telling Amanda the other day – at least I’ve never googled “can you pee out your baby?” But if you google that – people have actually asked that question out loud on the internet before. Puh-leeze, I’m tame compared to what’s out there.

Ok, next – on why I’m really writing this post. I am not normally a news follower. In fact, I didn’t even know about those Chilean miners were stuck there until maybe the day before they were freed. In the personal development/business world, I almost can’t afford to read them because it jades me about the world every single time. (I am perfectly happy in my little bubble, thank you)

So I don’t know what prompted me today to read about the case on Russell Williams. Have you been following it? Today, I spent the majority of my morning (yeah, work is so out the window…) delving into the history of this case. So if you don’t know about it, DO NOT GOOGLE IT.

The jest is that he was a military Colonel, and he basically killed 2 women and raped 2 other women plus had 84 counts of breaking and entering stealing women’s underwear and lingerie in the past 2 years. All this came as a shock to the military, to their community, and most of all, to his wife.

Then I proceeded to read articles about serial killers. Most of these killers are married. Most of these wives really had no idea what-so-ever about the countless people their husbands killed. In fact, a lot of these women said that their husbands were really loving and treated them really well. In the case of Russell Williams – the community knew them as one of the model couples in society. I don’t know about you, but incase you missed it, my last post was about how wonderful Bryan is. People have told us how great we are as a couple before.

So today, I went for lunch with Bryan.

When we finished, I asked him, “Bryan, are you a serial killer?”


“Umm…yes.” (with what I think is his sarcastic tone?)

Then I proceeded to tell him the above story.

“Carly, when would I have time to do this?”

He’s right. Of course logically I knew he isn’t! Between work, business, and his narcolepsy – there’s no way this man has the time or the energy to do anything behind my back!

You just never know though…just how well do I know Bryan?

Of course, you can count on me to spin a sad story into all about me. It’s amazing how I can do that. A narcissistic mom. What an irony.

On a more serious note, my heart goes out to all the victims and their families. My prayers and thoughts are with you tonight.


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