Week 9 - Happy 2 Months Mackenzie!

First of all, reading my past posts - my grammar was/is absolutely atrocious. I'm sorry, I never have time to proof-read. So yeah, deal with it. I'm not dumb, but obviously cannot write properly without any editing.

In Chinese tradition, we are supposed to have a celebration when the baby is one month old. This is because in Chinese tradition, you're also not supposed to go out of the house for the first month after the baby was  born. Of course, being as restless as I am, that didn't happen. (We went out on day 3)

We also didn't have the celebration after Mackenzie turned a month old because my mom was in Hong Kong. So she decided it was ok to change the tradition this time around. We celebrated at 2 months instead for "double happiness".

With all 20 of our family at a loud Chinese restaurant for a 10-course meal, it was no surprise that Mackenzie did not cooperate. In fact, she cried for 3 hours straight refusing to be comforted and refusing to eat. It was lovely. Then when we got home, Mackenzie was as calm as ever and ate perfectly. Turned out, she was just way too overstimulated with that much noise and people.

And today? Today we're on our way back to Edmonton for 2 weeks. Bryan has some work he has to do with his employer. Plus we have a couple of events going on in Edmonton and Calgary. I figured it was a perfect time to come back for a visit since the whole thing is paid for by his employer. They are paying for the rental car and gas. It was perfect - except we didn't exactly know what it'd be like travelling with a 2-month old baby.

We anticipated to leave the city by noon the latest. We left at 2:30. We wanted to make the drive all the way to Edmonton in one day. We stopped in Kamloops (a 4-5 hour drive from Vancouver) and decided to stay the night because Mackenzie has had it with such strange surroundings. She refused to eat all day, even when I resorted to the bottle. It took an hour and a half to get her to finish the bottle and part nursing. And when we finally settled in the hotel, she was as cool as a cucumber. (sigh) I would be very surprised if she gained any weight at all this week!

Is this normal? Do babies refuse to eat a couple times a week?

I will update you soon on how the trip went. We may be flying back to Vancouver instead of driving back with Bryan.

And packing for an extra person? WOW! No one warned me about this part...


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