Week 23 - More Travelling

When Mack was first born, I told Bryan that I couldn't possibly think of having any more kids. I mean, how you can you love anyone more than this perfect baby? What if I don't love the next one as much? I feel like Mack took up all the cuteness there was plus all the love we could give!

Then we travelled to Utah to visit one of our best friends last week who has 5 kids.

I thought having 5 kids would be super chaotic. And it is. There's never a moment of quietness, and you're just not going to please every child. But I can tell you, I think my heart expanded 10 times just being with those kids this past week. I understand now how you can have more than 1.

I'm not saying we'll have 5. But I'm definitely considering more than 2.

Mack quite enjoys the attention from the kids. They all wanted to hold her, to play with her, and to just look at her. After coming home the other day, Mack immediately got bored with all of her toys. She wanted attention. Which is great, because Bryan is out of town for 5 days and I have to figure out a way to entertain her on my own!

On another note, my cousin had her baby last week! We went to visit her yesterday and wow, you really do forget how little they were. I miss the cuddly phase! Mack is not cuddly at all and I quite enjoyed a bit of snuggle time with baby Addison.

Mack had her last of her 4-month shots today. She somehow managed to lose 2 oz in the past 10 days. I'm a little worried (she is only just over 13 lbs at 5 months!), but we'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks. She's a pretty happy baby so I don't suppose I should worry that much.

Mack is 2 weeks shy of being 6 months - it's hard to believe she's half a year old almost. Crazy how quickly time flies!


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