6 Months! (Week 24-26)

Yup, missed a few weeks there. Got busy and just didn't feel inspired enough to write. But here I am!

Well, there have been quite a few milestones the last 3 weeks. Mack is now fully rolling over, attempting to crawl backwards, and STTN (again).

She had her first nosebleed 3 weeks ago (when we were travelling because it's dry in the desert!) where Bryan totally freaked out because his girls have never had nosebleeds before.

After being in Utah where there were 5 kids and 2 babies in the house for a week, Mack came home and was like, "what the heck? I want them back! I'm BORED!" She got bored of all of her toys within 5 minutes. So what was the solution? Making sure there's something to do every single day. Between swimming, Mother Goose, mommy group, library time, and walks, I still don't have enough to occupy her throughout the day. I have created a bit of a monster...

Mackenzie started solids consistently finally. We are doing the baby-led weaning method, which means no purees. We did rice cereal for a couple of days, and already, she's tired of it. So far she's tried toast (her favorite), avocados, bananas, chicken, eggs, cucumber, celery, and probably a couple things I've left out because we just give her what's on our plate. So far so good, we'll do squash and carrots this week. We'll probably start doing more meats next week. Her poops have become a lot more explosive. Not as gross as I thought it would be though.

As to me, my hair has stopped shedding as much. It's still everywhere, but it's not coming out in chunks in the shower like it was before. So I suppose that's good news. I got my hair trimmed the other day and the hairdresser told me I had a lot of hair. She asked if my hair had even started falling off at all because I had so much. No balding for me. (Sigh of relief)

Just like that, Mackenzie is now half a year old. I can't believe how quickly this 6 months have gone by. 6 more months and we'll be celebrating her birthday. How the heck did that happen?

At my mommy group today, the topic was about surprises that came after the baby was born. I don't know if I wrote them all down in the past 6 months, so I thought I'd jot them down before I forget them all.

1.) Breastfeeding was hard. I'm sure I wrote about that because I felt like my whole life was revolved around breastfeeding for so long. When really, it was just 4 weeks. But no one told me breastfeeding was going to be about me and the baby learning to grow together. I thought it'd be like magic and we'd just know what to do. Not true. There was bleeding, cracking, and a lot of tears. Thank goodness it only lasted 4 weeks.

2.) There are times when I would put Mack down for a nap and I would go do my own thing (take a shower, do chores, go on the computer) and I would actually forget that I had a baby until she wakes up.

3.) I didn't expect to take 4 months for Bryan and I to get back to "normal". For 4 months, I wasn't sure how to love my husband like I did before Mackenzie was born. I knew things would be different, but I didn't expect to not know how to love him. It wasn't even because we were fighting. I just felt super distant for 4 months. Then suddenly, we were great again.

4.) It's not as hard as I thought it would be. Yup, I said it. I thought raising a kid would be a lot harder. Sure, it's only been 6 months, and I know we have a whole lifetime to go. So far though, it's been easy enough that I thought about having a second baby when Mack was 3 months. That surprised me a lot.

5.) I love my mommy friends. I knew I would make new friends, but I didn't know I would love them so much. These are people I look forward to hanging out every week. I wasn't sure if I would make any new friends outside of business but here I am!

6.) A lot of women resent their husbands for not doing enough. I was the total opposite. I resented Bryan for doing too much - because it made me feel so guilty that I wasn't doing enough. I got over that one fast, because really, who complains about that?

After listening to all the women in our group today, I have to say I'm grateful that those were my biggest challenges. There are women who are unexpected single moms, whose family aren't supportive at all, whose husbands don't understand that babies are now 24/7. I am SO BLESSED to have a family 6 blocks away from where we live, to have a husband who will be more than happy to be a hands-on dad. It made me realize just how lucky I am.

Next week will be confession week - things I have done in the last 6 months where I wasn't supposed to!


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