Signing, Weaning, and Growing like crazy!

Mackenzie can sign "please", "all done", and "love" at one point. The day she signed "love", I swear I melted like a pool of butter. But now she refuses to sign it, which is typical.

Here's a video of her doing some signing and letting us know where Jesus lives :)

She also knows where her head and "bee bo" (belly button) is. So you know, we're progressing. She asks "what's this?" and "what's that?" like every other minute. And she can say daddy like there's no tomorrow.

And I don't remember exactly when it happened, but she consistently sleeps 12 hours a night now. (She was sleeping a good 8 hours at a time before, but 12 hours is a lot more blissful, I tell ya)

She is now weaned to one feed a day - only in the morning. Which means our nights are FREE!!!! She had her first babysitter experience the other night. With the exception of a bump and a bruise (both of which weren't surprising considering just how active she is these days), the babysitter said she was amazing.

I can't believe just 2 months ago, she couldn't even walk yet. I don't remember what it was like before she was mobile. Like, did I actually have time to sit down and rest back then?

I was trying to go back to see when we started the routine of putting Mack down at 7 pm every night. I don't remember. But it seemed like it's been a long long time. And it's been beautiful. Those 3 days of CIO was well worth it. It's a great lesson on short term pain for long term gain. It's like that with everything, isn't it? Mackenzie is teaching me so much about life, and I can do in return is teach her how to sign, her body parts, and saying a couple of words.

Is that what it'll be like for the rest of our lives?


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