I Can't Believe I Forgot To Blog This

I was reading another blog about poison control, and I can't believe I actually forgot to blog about our poison control experiences.

You read that right. Not one experience. But ExerienceS. Which means more than one.

The first time was months ago. Maybe 6 months ago when Mackenzie was mobile. My milk supply was going low, and I decided to take Fenugreek on a regular basis.

Then one night, Mackenzie was unusually quiet. I picked her up, and she smelled suspiciously like maple syrup.

I'm not sure if you know this, but ingesting Fenugreek makes you sweat and smell like maple syrup.

How she found one is still a mystery to me. At first, I wasn't going to do anything about it. But upon second thoughts, I figured I should at least TRY to be a responsible mom. So I called poison control.

I don't even know if poison control even knew what Fenugreek was. They told me it was fine. It was an all natural herb. And at worst, she might have diarrhea or something.

She was fine. Just a walking maple syrup for a few hours.

Then a couple of months later, a second incident occurred. Half hour after I put her down at night, she started crying. Which was very unusual for her. So I went in and what did I find? I found a child COVERED from head to toe in Penaten! I mistakenly put it on the shelf close to her crib and she stood up, grabbed it, and smeared it all over herself, the crib, her stuffies, her blanket, and ate some.

This was while Bryan was away on business.

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

I threw Mack into an emergency bath and proceeded to SCRUB really really really hard. Until she was red. Because that's the only way you can Penaten off you know. And the stuffies and blanket and sheet? It's been 3-4 months and it's STILL in the laundry because I still can't get it out.

I would've called poison control. Only, another momma beat me to it a month before. Her daughter had eaten half a can of Penaten and poison control told her it was fine. So there was no need to call, right?

Oh, but that's not all.

A couple months after the Penaten incident, I put Mackenzie in her room to play and closed the door while I ran into the bathroom. I was gone all but maybe 2 minutes. When I opened the door to her room, somehow, she found the Penaten AGAIN and smeared it EVERYWHERE!

Penaten is now hidden out of sight at ALL TIMES. Because it is evil. (But great for rashes)


I don't know how THREE incidents escaped this blog. As you have been reading, being a mom has robbed me of my humor AND memory. Will I EVER get them back? Humor me and tell me yes.


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