Like a Movie

It all started innocently enough. I started having contractions around Boxing Day. They were so inconsistent though I knew they weren't real. This continued for a few days so I had huge hope that Baby Dime would greet us earlier than its due date of Jan. 13.

Then last Sunday morning, I woke up at 4 in the morning from a bit of a nightmare (a skytrain veered off its tracks). I felt my first contraction and started timing them. For the next 2 hours, they were consistently at about 7-10 minutes apart. I woke Bryan up and told him that "today is the day!" It was hard to believe and exciting at the same time. I even told my sister to take the day off work because the baby was coming. I was convinced that within 12 hours, the baby would be here.

Then the contractions started getting further and further apart. They started ranging from 10-30 mins apart. We went to IHOP for breakfast, I even had a nap! My hope for Baby Dime to greet us diminished. I told Kelly to go to work because quite obviously, the baby wasn't coming that day.

4 pm came and went. We past the 12-hour mark. I was frustrated and deflated. The contractions were no where near consistent. So we decided to take Mack to the mall with us with a pineapple bubble tea in hand for a walk.

Mack fell asleep in the car of course, so by the time we got into the mall, it was already 5 pm. I managed to get 4 nursing bras (retail girl: when are you due? me: I'm in labor right now! retail girl: wow!), and Bryan managed to get a pair of jeans. My contractions were about 10 min apart - we're getting closer!

By the time we got home at 6:30, my contractions were more intense, lasting about a minute each. I remembered from Mack that we couldn't go to the hospital until they were 5 mins apart lasting 1 minute each for 1 hour. So, I enlisted Bryan to make dinner for Mack and mom. Meanwhile, my contractions advanced to 3-4 mins apart. They were intense enough that I started screaming. Still, I thought we had time to put Mack to bed.

Finally at around 7:15, Bryan decided it was time to go to the hospital. We got into the car and I told him we had to go to White Spot to tell Kelly. I hadn't been able to get a hold of her, so I knew the only way to let her know was to stop by her work.

With a quick stop, Bryan rushed in, and drove us to the hospital. All the way I was screaming and crying. I knew at this point that I had missed the drugs.

Me: Bryan, I can't do this. I've missed the drugs.
Bryan: No you didn't. We're going to the hospital and they're going to give you the epidural and you'll feel so much better!
Me: I missed it. I just know I did.

We got to the hospital and got a bit lost because they were under major renos. After wandering around for about 10 mins, we finally got to L & D. Bryan registered me at 8. 5 minutes later, we got into triage. After getting changed and getting onto the bed, this is what happened:

Nurse #1: I'm going to check you now
(Nurse #1 looking at Nurse #2): She's at 8
Me: EIGHT? How did that happen? EIGHT? Does that mean I missed the drugs?
Bryan: They didn't say anything, so you could still get it!
Me: I missed it. I MISSED IT!

At this point I became hysterical.

They had a wheel chair waiting for me, but with each contraction, it became harder to sit.

Nurse: You need to get into the wheel chair right now
Me: I'm trying
Nurse: Right now!
Me: Can't I walk?
Nurse: No, you can't give birth in the hallway

So I sit, and they ran me all the way to the other end of the hall. All the while shouting at each other with "ok, the room at the end!" "Everything is prepped there!" "The doctor is paged and will be there."

It was chaos.

The next hard task was to get me onto the bed. Do you know how hard it is to lay down when you're having contractions?

It's hard.

They told me I couldn't give birth sitting up, I had to lay down or else (or else what I don't know, I should've tried to find out).

Then I became that woman. I became that woman you see on TV.

Me: I can't do this! I can't do this! I can't believe I missed the drugs!
Nurse: You can do this! You are doing it!
Me: I can't, I really can't! I'm so sorry!
Bryan: You can do it!
Me: I don't like you very much right now.
Doctor: Carly, do you want to feel like this all night? Or do you want to have the baby now?
Me: Obviously now! But I can't do it! Where is my sister?
Bryan: She's coming soon!

2 contractions, 4 pushes, screaming on top of my lungs (so loud that one of the nurses actually shushed me), and Kelly arriving a minute (screaming "I'm here! I'm here!") before my last push - Bryanna Carlyn Nickel was born on January 6, 2013 at 8:24 pm weighing at 6 lbs 13 oz measuring at 51 cm. She came exactly one week early.

This was a totally different birthing experience than Mackenzie. Yet, just as entertaining.

Yup, it's another girl! Shouldn't be surprised. With Bryan's track record, we were destined to have another girl! As you can see, Bree is named after me and Bryan.

And as Kelly pointed out - we named our kids Mac and Cheese (Mac and Brie) unintentionally. I love it.

That's all folks - that's a wrap on this long drawn out pregnancy I had for the past 39 weeks!

I will write up another post on how this past week has been. (It's been amazing) And so let the life of 2 kids begin! Wish us luck!


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