Dear Alastair

Dear Alastair,

I don't normally write to the kids until their birthdays, but I feel like I needed to do this one early, because there's so much I want to make sure you know already.

It's been just over a month since you've graced us with your presence. For awhile there, we weren't sure if you were ever coming out! You were just so incredibly comfortable in my belly that you wanted to stay in there until you were a bit over cooked.

With Mackenzie, we wanted to start our family. With Bryanna, we wanted Mack to have a sibling. With you, I just knew I wanted more. To share more love and chaos and tears and laughter. It was an interesting 40 weeks when people asked if we were hoping for a boy. No, no we weren't. We were just hoping for a third! Of course, you ended up being a boy was a bonus.

The day I found out that we were having a boy, I just could not believe it. When I told your dad, you should've heard his voice. It was absolute joy. And that was how he looked at you when you came into this world. I know your dad love your sisters too, but there was definitely something a bit different when you were born. A new spark and giddiness in him. Every day in the past month, he just could not wait to hold you or wear you. Your dad is so in love with you.

And the girls! It is as if you've resigned to how overwhelming they are. Can I see him? Is he awake? Is he sleeping? Can I pet him? Can I hold him? I want to smell him! I can help you feed him. Hi baby brother! Where is my baby brother?

Yes, your sisters absolutely adore you. Bree surprised me most. She's so gentle with you and so protective of you. Something about the way she closes her eyes when she hugs you. It's as if she's saying, "don't worry, I'm always here to protect you."

Your auntie Kelly (Yi Yi) missed your birth. It's the first one she's missed. It was probably a good thing. Your dad said I was way worse during birth than I was with Bree. And that's saying a lot. I'm fairly sure if Kelly was there, she would've been traumatized for life. And we want some cousins in your life, don't we?

And your grandma (Po Po) - well, she thinks she's a pro now (she's not really). She prefers to take care of you than the girls (oh, me too!). I can't wait to see how ridiculous you guys will love each other in the years to come.

You have been so very chilled. I'm not sure you had a choice. You are the best feeder out of the 3. You were eating every 2.5-3 hours for the first 4 weeks. Now stretching to every 3-4 hours. You're gaining weight like a champ and is now at about 9 lbs at 5 weeks. You cry maybe 30 minutes in total a day, mostly because of gas and sometimes hunger. You're sleeping in your crib about 80% of the time with the other 20% cuddling between your dad and I. You've grown out of your newborn clothes but don't quite fit into 0-3 months yet. Won't be long, I'm fairly certain you'll fit into them by next week.

As for me, I'm thoroughly enjoying you. I don't remember loving the newborn stage as much as I do this time. You've made it easy. Thank you. I love the noises you make when you're nursing (you have some soft airway/valve issue, so you eat as if you are starving every single meal). I love the quiet moments in the middle of the night when it's just you and me. I love watching how much everyone loves you. You are so very blessed, you have the most people loving you than your sisters every did. You have your family, the mommy group parents, and preschool parents, and people at my work! The amount of clothes that are stacked in your room right now...I can barely open the door!

It's hard to believe it's been just over a month already. It is yet again, hard to remember a time before you. You fit right in and my heart grew a bit more for you. I am so excited to find out what I'm going to be learning from you. Bear with me ok, son? Most days I still wake up and can't believe 3 little people call me "mom", that someone thought it was a good idea to bless me with 3 children! I will make mistakes (ask your sisters - they'll agree to this). My only hope is that you will feel loved by us. There is so much love in this house! I will do my best to capture those moments. In the mean time, take it easy on me and your dad :)

love, mom


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