Week 13/14 - Losing my Hair/Getting to the 2 Digit lb Mark!

Uh...so, I finally started losing my hair this past week. Every mom warned me about this. And I wasn't too concerned. I was a hair loser before I was pregnant and it didn't freak me out then, so I anticipated it would just be a little bit worse now.

Only, it's a lot worse.

I'm not freaking out over how much I've lost. Because I have quite a bit of hair. I know it'll grow back. But do you know how hard it is to clean up hair? I'd be surprised if we don't need draino by next week! And it's a waste really - I wish I could make a wig out of it. I mean, that's how much I'm losing. That's how much I have to throw away. And to make it worse, I'm only losing all my natural color hair. My greys? Well, they're staying put. They're like weeds that will never go away. Ugh! My whole head is turning grey and that's probalby what's freaking me out the most. I'm only thirty. I do not need to look like I'm fourty overnight. And I'm allergic to hair dye, so this is great. I'm going to look like a grandma by next year.

So there are days when I look at Mack and I'm like, we MADE this? Like this tiny little human being actually grew inside me. That's pretty incredible stuff. And I'm in awe of just how innocent babies are - they smile when they're happy, and they cry when they're not. And the simplest thing will make them happy - like if you open your eyes really wide (which only Bryan can do because when I open my Asian eyes, they're just normal), or if you speak in a really really high voice (and if you do this in public, you really do sound like an idiot). And they aren't unhappy too much either - hunger, tiredness, and maybe a dirty diaper will make them cry.

Life as a baby is really simple. I can only hope that I can help her grow up away from some of the complexities of life.

Mackenzie is now over 10 lbs. And while this is a huge accomplishment, I am also so sad that she's growing so fast! She gained 2 lbs in a month! Sure, she's still super small compared to other 3 month olds (I still get people asking if she's a newborn), but I know it won't last long. By tomorrow, she will probably be at 11 lbs! She's a giant to me! (Not to mention she's giving my arms a bit of a work out)

She's getting more and more alert these days. We got her a bumbo and she's holding up her head so much better each day. She put her first toy in her mouth and she even rolled over (ok, really more by mistake than anything) from front to back AND back to front last week. This is the life of a parent - you get SO EXCITED over these tiny things. Makes me wonder what life was like before this?

With her growing so fast, I'm still pretty impatient on a few things. Like, when will her hair grow? ("Oh Carly, give it time, it will come!" Ok people, easy for you to say, you aren't the one with the bald baby!) When will she sit up? When will she be able to wipe her own bum? (Just kidding...kinda)

Also, it's finally happened. I'm getting antsy again and already thinking about getting a part time job soon. Once Mackenzie is less dependent on my boobs (or she's good with going back and forth between boobs and bottle). Something simple, probably just once a week. So yeah, we'll see what happens. If the right opportunity comes, I will totally take it. Just something to do!

We are going camping this weekend! Will be awesome camping with a 3-month old. I will report back and let you know how we did. Don't have high hopes though, I'm a bit of a wimp in the wilderness. We are going with church, so how wild can it get really?!


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