Week 17 - Re-introducing the Bottle

Remember how a couple weeks after Mackenzie was born, she refused the boob because she got used to the bottle? Then after much persistence (actually, it was only about 2-3 weeks, but at the time, it felt like an eternity), she went back on the boob and we never really used a bottle again.

This week, we decided that in order for us to go on date nights any longer than 2 hours at a time, we have to reintroduce the bottle to Mackenzie.


Epic Fail.

She absolutely refuses the bottle, which means, no extended date night until she weans off the boob. And really, I feel like this is a preview of what is to come when she weans. I feel like she won't want to take the bottle at all when the time comes.

Great. Because I have an interview for a part time job on Tuesday.

We're gonna keep trying the bottle on the night time feed, but if we can't get her on in the next couple of weeks, my itch to get out of the house a few hours a week is gone. And this part time job pays well too. Maybe it's just God's way of telling me to slow down and enjoy this. Maybe I'm just not meant to have a job at all ever again. (Oh gosh, I hope not, I need to get out!)

In the meantime, I have enrolled in Mother Goose in September, swimming classes in October, and I'm still looking to see what we can do. Actually by then, our mommy group will have to meet on our own once a week. So maybe I'll organize that. And maybe if I'm lucky, church will keep me busy enough to not look for more to do.

Any tips on going back on the bottle?


  1. http://alphamom.com/parenting/baby/bottle-strike/ (I was the one who asked for the advice. It was great... but totally didn't work. We weaned at 13mo - which actually wasn't all that long to wait when you think about it.)


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