I haven't had much time to think about writing because well, juggling 3 kids takes up a lot of time! I'm sitting here with maybe 5 minutes to spare before the baby will need attention again, so I better get to typing quick! Each pregnancy has been so different. With Mackenzie, I was miserable for the first 22 weeks with morning sickness, and then I felt like I could be pregnant forever! With Bryanna, I was miserable for the entire 39 weeks. I could not wait for her to get out! With this one, I was miserable for the first 20 weeks with morning sickness, and then great for 17 weeks, and then the last 3 weeks...well, let's just say there were some tears. With it being one of the hottest summers, I could not wait for this baby to get out! Plus the inconvenience of not being able to pick up the girls when I wanted to, or bend down to give them a kiss - I just wanted to be mobile again! So when my first consistent contractions came I was so excited. We even took one last wa...
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