Telling the Hubby

By Friday, I couldn't keep it in anymore. So, I decided to break the news to Bryan. Here's the video.

Incase you missed the convo, it went like this (start at 0:30 though, nothing for the first 30 seconds):

Me: Hmm...I feel like nachos, come help me make some
Bryan: Ok
Me: You preheat the oven and I'll shred the cheese. Just make sure there's nothing in the oven before turning it on
Bryan: (opened the oven) Oh, there's a bun in there
Me: That's weird.
Bryan: Why would there be a bun in here?
Me: (laughing really hard) I don't know! It's so weird!
Bryan: (looking super perplexed at the bun, then put the bun down on the counter. Started preheating the oven)
Me: Isn't it weird that there's A BUN IN THE OVEN?!
Bryan: (a light bulb went off - his face changed and he finally got it!) Really? Are you serious?

I got this idea from some girls at the What To Expect forum. It worked out great.

On another note, I've done 4 pregnancy tests so far. All positive. But I'm STILL.FREAKING.OUT. I have 2 more tests left. I'm going to take those next week...just to make sure I am actually pregnant.

We've also decided not to tell the family until Father's Day. Seems like a good safe time then. That's only a month and a half away. It'll go by quickly right? RIGHT?


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