Week 6/7 - This is What I didn't Miss

I have no idea how I missed week 6. Somehow, in my mind, I thought I wrote a post for week 6. That's preggo brain for you.

Week 6 and 7 were mixed with lots and lots of nausea. And that is what I didn't miss at all. I remember how the first pregnancy I prayed for twins because it felt so horrible that I wanted to just get it all done and over with. Obviously, looking back, I'm grateful it was just one.

One thing that's been different about this pregnancy is that my boobs aren't really hurting. Hmm.

I'm at the same place I was before - I want to eat but I don't want to eat. Everything and every smell in sight makes me want to puke. I'm considering taking dilectin, but wondering if I really want to take drugs this early. So we'll see.

Ok, so remember how I said I would wait until Father's day to tell the family? Well, that was the plan until I saw one of my mommy friends who was 9 weeks pregnant.

She looked like she was at 4-5 months. (Not fat - just a big bump)

So I knew there was no way I could hide it from my family.

I told them on Mother's Day. I forgot to post about Mother's Day. The preggo brain has officially begun!

No video this time. It came out during casual conversation about how my mom is a fraternal twin. Told them we will know in 2 weeks if we're having twins or not. Then there was a big pause, then a huge grin from my sister. My mom said, "I knew it! I thought your shape looked different".

Time did not go by quicker after telling my family this time.

Going for an ultrasound tomorrow! Very excited. Will come back with more news soon :)

7 weeks down, 33 more weeks to go! (It's going a lot quicker this time)


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