Week 4

So last month, I unexpectedly got my period one week early. Only, it was horrifyingly heavy. Heavy enough that I had to go to the doctor's. And he told me I most likely was having a miscarriage.

They call it a chemical pregnancy.

Then found out 2 of my mommy friends were expecting.

That made me happy for them, but a little bit sad for me.

So today, I decided to take another pregnancy test incase I might have another abnormally early miscarriage.

Still positive.

Still haven't told anyone.

And somehow, this is like reliving the first pregnancy. Time is going by sooooooooooooooo slowly. I'm dying for Saturday (my actual period due date) to test one last time before telling Bryan. I seem to remember pregnancy went by super slow the first 11 weeks until I told my family.

That is how I'm feeling now. And I'm on beeping week 4.

Not only am I freaking out about a possible miscarriage, I'm freaking out about finances, about space, about EVERYTHING. Oh, just like last time.

I thought it would be different the second time around. I thought I would be more confident.

Quite obviously, I am wrong again.


36 more weeks to go. Are we there yet?


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