What Happens At A Year
Before Mack turned one, when people asked me how old she was, she was always measured by months. "Oh, she's 6 months" or "Oh, she's 11 months now". But once she turned one, that's it - now she's measured by years. It's weird, it's not 13 months, or almost 14 months!
I swear, as soon as Mack turned one, she turned into super sponge. She learned a couple of new signs (thank you and all done). She's learned to blow kisses really well, wave and say bye bye, and walking around things if it was in her way. She's also learned to drink from a straw and now eating like a champ. So she hit quite a few more milestones there in the past few weeks. It goes by so fast I can barely keep up!
She's dancing a lot (but not gracefully by any means), and she's learned to go down the slide on her own. She refuses to hold on to the handle bars on the swing (mama, it's so much more fun hands free!).
Where did our baby go?
Yesterday, I was brushing my teeth, and found out Mack and somehow put shampoo in my toothbrush. Let me tell you, toothpaste does not work in getting shampoo taste out of your mouth. YUM.
Mackenzie got Roseola a couple of weeks ago. I was a bit freaked out since she had just gotten her MMR shot the week before. I thought she was breaking out in measles. Thank goodness it wasn't. But it did make me question vaccinations. Now I'm thinking of opting out of chicken pox. I mean, is it really necessary? Ah, we shall see.
And that, is what happens at a year. Things apparently don't slow down at all. They speed up. And they speed up fast.
I swear, as soon as Mack turned one, she turned into super sponge. She learned a couple of new signs (thank you and all done). She's learned to blow kisses really well, wave and say bye bye, and walking around things if it was in her way. She's also learned to drink from a straw and now eating like a champ. So she hit quite a few more milestones there in the past few weeks. It goes by so fast I can barely keep up!
She's dancing a lot (but not gracefully by any means), and she's learned to go down the slide on her own. She refuses to hold on to the handle bars on the swing (mama, it's so much more fun hands free!).
Where did our baby go?
Yesterday, I was brushing my teeth, and found out Mack and somehow put shampoo in my toothbrush. Let me tell you, toothpaste does not work in getting shampoo taste out of your mouth. YUM.
Mackenzie got Roseola a couple of weeks ago. I was a bit freaked out since she had just gotten her MMR shot the week before. I thought she was breaking out in measles. Thank goodness it wasn't. But it did make me question vaccinations. Now I'm thinking of opting out of chicken pox. I mean, is it really necessary? Ah, we shall see.
And that, is what happens at a year. Things apparently don't slow down at all. They speed up. And they speed up fast.
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