Happy Father's Day

Growing up in a household of women, we didn't celebrate Father's Day. Even with Bryan's 2 kids, with their religious backgrounds, we never celebrated Father's Day either.

So this year during all the chaos of Mackenzie, I was a bit of a failure in provider a great Father's Day for Bryan.

We didn't do a fancy dinner, we didn't do presents. All I did was wake up extra early to take care of Mack while Bryan slept in, and I made eggs benedict for breakfast.

Obviously, I need a little more practice at this.

I would take this chance to express all the things I'm grateful about Bryan, but I almost feel a bit lame doing it on Father's Day. It almost seems too...cliche.

And so, I won't. I hope that my past posts and future ones paint a picture well enough of what a wonderful husband and dad Bryan is. If not, I will have to make sure I do better from now on!

Having said that - Happy Father's Day. To Bryan, to my dad who's no longer with us (although taught me so much about life), and to all the dads out there. You make a difference. You are the shoulders we lean on. Thank you for all that you do.


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